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115–31 added pars. (2) and (3) and struck out former pars. (2) and (3) which read as follows: '(2) Special rule.—The Secretary may make grants under this section to finance the operating cost of equipment and facilities for use in public transportation, excluding rail fixed guideway, in an urbanized area with a population of not fewer than.

A. In that the peak ridership data are used to determine occupant load (and, consequently, required egress capacity), the basis for those data should be considered carefully. The term peak period is intended to imply the time within the peak hour having the maximum passenger flow rate. For many systems, this period ranges between 10. Released 2020-03-16: This release contains multiple SDKs. If you're using Visual Studio, look for the SDK that supports the version you're using. If you're not using Visual Studio, install the first SDK listed. SDK 3.1.200 Visual Studio support Visual Studio 2019 (v16.5). D%: Directional Factor – Percentage of peak hour volume (24 hour peak) in the peak direction during that hour. PA: Passenger vehicles (FHWA Class 1-3) shown in number of vehicles and percentage of AADT. BC: Business/commercial vehicles (FHWA Class 4 and above) shown in number of vehicles and percentage of AADT.

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